:* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ :* INSTALL.TXT file for GEM 1st Word Plus R2.0 (5.25" media) */ :* */ :* Updated: December 1987 for execution under GEM/3 R3.0 or higher. */ :* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CHECKVER 0300 IF1BUTN OLDVERS IFFD FDSYS :* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ :HDSYS SRCMSG [3][Cannot find the file you are trying to| copy. Please be sure the "GEM 1st Word| Plus Master Disk" is in drive A. GEM| 1st Word Plus installation incomplete.][ Retry | Quit ] CREATEMSG [3][File creation error. Your hard disk may| be out of space, destination folder may| be missing, or destination file may be| set to read only. GEM 1st Word Plus| installation incomplete.][ Retry | Quit ] DSTMSG [3][File write error. Your hard disk may| be out of space. GEM 1st Word Plus| installation incomplete.][ Quit ] ALERT 1[0][GEM 1st Word Plus and GEM Paint will| be installed on your hard disk. Click| on OK when you are ready.][ OK | Cancel ] IF2BUTN BADEXIT PATBAT C: COPY A:\GEMAPPS\*.* C:\GEMAPPS IFNOSPC C: 2 BADMAKE MD C:\GEMAPPS\FORMATS MD C:\GEMAPPS\DOCS ALERT 1[0][Skeleton FORMATS will be copied into the| C:\GEMAPPS\FORMATS folder. Click on OK| if this is your first installation of| GEM 1st Word Plus. Click on Skip if you| do not want your FORMATS overwritten.][ OK | Skip ] IF2BUTN NOFORMATS COPY A:\GEMAPPS\FORMATS\*.* C:\GEMAPPS\FORMATS :NOFORMATS SRCMSG [3][Cannot find the file you are trying to| copy. Please be sure the "GEM 1st Mail| & Utilities Master Disk" is in drive A.| GEM 1st Mail installation incomplete.][ Retry | Quit ] CREATEMSG [3][File creation error. Your hard disk may| be out of space or destination file may| be set to read only. GEM 1st Mail| installation incomplete.][ Retry | Quit ] DSTMSG [3][File write error. Your hard disk may| be out of space. GEM 1st Mail| installation incomplete.][ Quit ] ALERT 1[0][Insert the "GEM 1st Mail & Utilities| Master Disk" into drive A.][ OK | Cancel ] IF2BUTN BADEXIT COPY A:\GEMAPPS\DOCS\*.* C:\GEMAPPS\DOCS COPY A:\GEMAPPS\*.* C:\GEMAPPS SRCMSG [3][Cannot find the file you are trying to| copy. Please be sure the "GEM Paint| Master Disk" is in drive A. GEM Paint| installation incomplete.][ Retry | Quit ] CREATEMSG [3][File creation error. Your hard disk may| be out of space or destination file may| be set to read only. GEM Paint| installation incomplete.][ Retry | Quit ] DSTMSG [3][File write error. Your hard disk may| be out of space. GEM Paint| installation incomplete.][ Quit ] ALERT 1[0][Insert the "GEM Paint Master Disk"| into drive A.][ OK | Cancel ] IF2BUTN BADEXIT MD C:\GEMAPPS\PATTERNS MD C:\IMAGES COPY A:\GEMAPPS\*.* C:\GEMAPPS COPY A:\GEMAPPS\GEMSYS\*.* C:\GEMAPPS\GEMSYS COPY A:\GEMAPPS\PATTERNS\*.* C:\GEMAPPS\PATTERNS COPY A:\IMAGES\*.* C:\IMAGES ALERT 1[0][You have finished installing GEM 1st| Word Plus, and GEM 1st Mail in the| C:\GEMAPPS folder. Sample documents| are in the C:\GEMAPPS\DOCS folder.][ OK ] ALERT 1[0][GEM Paint is in the C:\GEMAPPS folder.| Sample images are in the C:\IMAGES| folder.][ OK ] ALERT 1[0][To run GEM 1st Word Plus, double-click| on WORDPLUS.APP in the C:\GEMAPPS| folder after returning to Desktop.][ OK ] GOTO DONE :* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ :FDSYS ALERT 1[0][To install GEM 1st Word Plus you will| need three formatted floppy disks.][ OK ] ALERT 1[0][Please label them;| "GEM 1st Word Plus Application Disk",| "GEM 1st Mail Application Disk", and| "GEM 1st Word Plus Documents Disk".| Click on OK when you are ready.][ OK | Cancel ] IF2BUTN BADEXIT SRCMSG [3][Cannot find the file you are trying to| copy. Please be sure your "GEM Paint| Master Disk" is in drive A. GEM Paint| installation incomplete.][ Retry | Quit ] CREATEMSG [3][ERROR: Unable to copy all files.| Destination disk may be write-protected| or out of space. GEM Paint installation| incomplete.][ Retry | Quit ] DSTMSG [3][ERROR: Unable to copy all files.| Destination disk may be out of space.| GEM Paint installation incomplete.][ Quit ] ALERT 1[0][Insert the GEM Paint Master| disk into drive A.][ OK ] ALERT 1[0][Insert your "GEM Startup Disk"| into drive B.][ OK ] COPY A:\GEMAPPS\GEMSYS\*.* B:\GEMAPPS\GEMSYS SRCMSG [3][Cannot find the file you are trying to| copy. Please be sure the "GEM 1st Mail| & Utilities Master Disk" is in drive A.| GEM 1st Word Plus installation| incomplete.][ Retry | Quit ] CREATEMSG [3][File creation error. Destination disk| may be write-protected or out of space.| GEM 1st Word Plus installation| incomplete.][ Retry | Quit ] DSTMSG [3][File write error. Destination disk may| be out of space. GEM 1st Word Plus| installation incomplete.][ Quit ] ALERT 1[0][Insert the "GEM 1st Mail & Utilities| Master Disk" into drive A.][ OK ] ALERT 1[0][Insert your "GEM 1st Word Plus Documents| Disk" into drive B.][ OK ] IFNOSPC B: 1 BADMAKE MD B:\DOCS COPY A:\GEMAPPS\DOCS\*.* B:\DOCS ALERT 1[0][Insert your "GEM 1st Mail Application| Disk" into drive B.][ OK ] IFNOSPC B: 3 BADMAKE MD B:\GEMAPPS MD B:\GEMAPPS\GEMSYS MD B:\GEMAPPS\FONTS COPY A:\GEMAPPS\*.* B:\GEMAPPS SRCMSG [3][Cannot find the file you are trying to| copy. Please be sure the "GEM 1st Word| Plus Master Disk" is in drive A. GEM| 1st Word Plus installation incomplete.][ Retry | Quit ] ALERT 1[0][Insert the "GEM 1st Word Plus Master| Disk" into drive A.][ OK ] COPY A:\GEMAPPS\OUTPUT.* B:\GEMAPPS ALERT 1[0][Insert your "GEM 1st Word Plus| Application Disk" into drive B.][ OK ] IFNOSPC B: 5 BADMAKE MD B:\GEMAPPS MD B:\GEMAPPS\CLIPBRD MD B:\GEMAPPS\FORMATS MD B:\GEMAPPS\FONTS MD B:\GEMAPPS\GEMSYS COPY A:\GEMAPPS\*.* B:\GEMAPPS COPY A:\GEMAPPS\FORMATS\*.* B:\GEMAPPS\FORMATS :* copy screen fonts only. ---------------------------------------------*/ SRCMSG [3][Cannot find the font file you are trying| to copy. Please be sure your "GEM Desk-| top Disk" is in drive A. GEM 1st Word| Plus installation incomplete.][ Retry | Quit ] CREATEMSG [3][ERROR: Unable to copy all screen font| files. Destination disk may be write-| protected or out of space. Font display| will be limited. See Sections 1 and 6| in the GEM 1st Word Plus manual.][ Retry | Quit ] DSTMSG [3][ERROR: Unable to copy all screen font| files. Destination disk may be out of| space. Font display will be limited.| See Sections 1 and 6 in the GEM| 1st Word Plus Plus manual.][ Quit ] ALERT 1[0][Insert your "GEM Desktop Disk"| into drive A.][ OK ] COPY A:\GEMAPPS\FONTS\*.?GA B:\GEMAPPS\FONTS ALERT 1[0][You have finished installing GEM 1st| Word Plus & GEM 1st Mail in the GEMAPPS| folder on their respective Application| Disks. Sample documents are in the DOCS| folder on your Documents Disk.][ OK ] ALERT 1[0][To run GEM 1st Word Plus, insert your| Application Disk into drive A and your| Documents Disk into drive B after you| have returned to Desktop. Then double-| click on WORDPLUS.APP in GEMAPPS folder.][ OK ] ALERT 1[0][To run Output, you must quit from GEM| 1st Word Plus and return to your "GEM| Desktop Disk" after creating the .OUT| file(s).][ OK ] ALERT 1[0][To run GEM Paint, make a copy of your| GEM Paint Master Disk, insert your copy| into drive A or B and double-click on| PAINT.APP in the GEMAPPS folder.][ OK ] GOTO DONE :* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ :OLDVERS ALERT 1[3][ERROR: This installation process re-| quires GEM/3 release 3.0 or higher.| You must install the release of GEM| provided with this application or| contact your supplier.][ OK ] GOTO BADEXIT :* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ :BADMAKE ALERT 1[3][ERROR: Unable to create directory.| The destination disk may be out of| space.][ OK ] :* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ :BADEXIT ALERT 1[0][GEM 1st Word Plus installation| not completed.][ Quit ] :DONE DOS